The capital - Maputo
Surface - 783.080 Km2
Population - 20.971.000
The name of the state - Republic of Mozambique
Languages - Portuguese, makwa-lomwe, shona, tonga and chichewa.
Urban population - 34.5%
Illiteracy - 37,7 % in men and 68,6 % in women.
It's situated in the south - west of Africa, near Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swazilandia and South Africa.
Between the first and fourth centuries, waves of Bantu, speaking people migrated from the west and north through the Zam afribezi River valley and then gradually into the plateau and coastal areas.
This is the flag of Mozambique:
Provinces and districts
Mozambique is divided into ten provinces and one capital city with provincial status. 1 - Cabo Delgado 2 - Gaza 3 - Inhambane 4 - Manica 5 - Maputo (city) 6 - Maputo 7 - Nampula 8 - Niassa 9 - Sofala 10 - Tete 11 - Zambezia
in this year, Mozambique has a population of 20.905.585 inhabitants. The majority of Mozambique it's composed by different languages, Many of them are related to similar groups that live in nearby countries. The provinces of Zambezia and Nampula are the most inhabited with 45 %, With approximately 4 million, the Makua are the ethnic majority group in the north, the Sena and the Ndau occupy great part(report) of the valley Zambezi, and the Shangaan dominate the south part of the country. It is calculated that a bit less 1 % of the population is European.The official language is the Portuguese. The life expectancy is 40 years. 47.8 % of the this alphabetized population. It is calculated that 12.2 % of the this population infected with the virus of HIV (SIDA). The average of children for woman is of 5.29.
World War II
After world war II, while many European nations were granting independence to their colonies, Portugal maintained that Mozambique and other Portuguese possessions were overseas provinces of the mother country, and emigration to the colonies soared.
The economy of Mozambique is one of the lowest of those of the third world. Almost 45 % of the territory of Mozambique can be in use for agriculture, There is extraction of wood in the native jungles.The reconstruction of the country, after the civil war in 1992 and of the floods of the year 2000 it is impeded by the existence of terrestrial not deactivated mines.
In Mozambique you can find a lot of ONGs. They need your help.
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