
The film's central story concerns a father, Lalit Verma, who is trying to organize an enormous, chaotic, and expensive wedding for his daughter, for whom he has arranged a marriage with a man she has known for only a few weeks.
The bride, Aditi Verma is nervous as she has been having an affair with her married ex-boss Vikram. The film also includes several subplots:
Ria Verma a cousin of the bride, was sexually abused by her uncle, Lalit's brother-in-law and the family's patriarch some years earlier and finally speaks out to prevent his abuse of another young girl in the family, Aliyah.
The wedding contractor PK Dubey falls in love with the family's maid, Alice (Tillotama Shome, sometimes credited as Tilotama Shome).
The bride's brother Varun, struggles with his family's disapproval in his longing to be a chef and the stereotypes of not displaying conventional masculine characteristics. Ayesha, the youngest marriageable relative of the bride, flirts with Aditi's cousin Rahul, who has just returned from Melbourne.



Arranged marriages are so the normal in India. Simply can't fathom how practical strangers can be married to each other and settle down for a life together. No matter how westernised our country may have become, arranged marriages are still how a majority of the weddings in our country are carried out.

The first stage is the search for horoscopes, through friends, marriage brokers as well as the horoscope matching centres, parents start procuring the horoscopes of eligible boys or girls.

After choosing de day of the wedding, the parents of the boy visit the girl and her family and if both sides are pleased with the state of affairs, they things like how much silver, gold etc will be given by the girl's family to the girl.

The wedding will usually take place 3 - 4 months after the engagement.




They are elaborate, expensive and emotional events, which are eagerly awaited, by all the young girls and boys when they are treated like kings and queens of the day.

Though, different communities have different rituals throughout India, the basic turnout of the marriage event remains the same. Most of the Hindu weddings are announced on the auspicious times as predicted by the Hindu Vedic astrologers.

There are ceremonies to celebrate the occasion when the families visit each other before the wedding and send costly gifts to each other along with sweets, fruits and dry fruits. These pre-wedding ceremonies are followed by the Big day, when the nuptial knots of the bride and the bridegroom are tied.

Indian wedding is not just the matter of one day it is an elaborate process, which involves various rituals and customs. Before the wedding the areas, which are to be looked after are like deciding on the budget of the wedding, venue of the wedding, the theme, decoration, menu, etc.


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