Without words
So, you wanna know what I want? I want it all. I want to be in love so much it hurts. the frissons.The pin pricks. The mind-blowing sex. The conecction. And I want to be married with kids I adoreand a hunsband who makes me fell safe, sexy, samrt, secure, silly, serious, salacious, sunfil,serene, satisfied. I want someone who makes me laugth until milk comes out my nose (only I don'tdrink milk). I want to finish someone's sentences. I want to believe in someone, in something,in a future that's not just about laundry and soccer practice and subdivisions and minivans andguilt-tripping grandparents. I wan to make someone a better person. I want to be a good example. I want to love come kids into the world. Iwant someone who stimulates my brain as much as my body. I want to taste everything and goeverywhere. I want to give and I want to get. I want too much and I want it all in one person.
So, what do I want from you? That's hard yo say because it's not really about want, it's aboutwish. Do I wish you were that person for me? Yes.Do I wish that you weren't married with kids andthat wasn't living with someone and that even though we work together we could explore thepossibilities and that all my dreams would come true? Duh. But you are, and I am, and we can'tand the won't. So the question is, do I want just a little, or I should say, a litrle more? Sure,all the time I do. But I knnow a little's not going to be enough and then I'll want more. And thenmaybe I won't want more, but you will. Or you won't and I will. And then there will be nothing andI don't want that at all.